Li Xiaolu "Decode" GIAMMA Italian boutiques

Li Xiaolu "Decode" GIAMMA Italian boutiques

Decode - Deconstruct Italian Fashion Code Giamma Italian showroom, the prestigious fashion and marketing brand in Italy, officially announced its presence on March 26 at the Beijing International Clothing and Accessories Fair (CHIC) in Beijing on March 26 China. Li Xiaolu and other celebrities also congratulated. The "Decoder" Fashion Products Showcase is the most popular and influential fashion retailer in Europe. It is a boutique in the online Italian fashion brand that is promoted to dealers and consumers through showrooms. The stationed in China, "decoding" in addition to bringing the latest quarterly Italian fashion, but also ensure synchronization with the Italian update, at the same price or even lower. In this exhibition, "Decode" shows Chinese consumers brands like A-Style, Harbor s, Mamaquevo, Gaudi, Paola frani, bianca j, sexy woman, kesslord, jaccobbe, sweet years and more. These brands in the future will be in the country "decode" store to meet with Chinese consumers.

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