Eve show share more worn old underwear

Eve show share more worn old underwear

Bra is a female baby, but not everyone can really understand the "she". You probably only know how big your bras are, but you know nothing about the bra's shelf life. A randomized survey of 1,000 women aged 20 to 50 in Japan found that nearly 50% of women were "reluctant" to discard their underwear, which they bought at high prices. Recently, Armed Police General Hospital, Xu Hong, deputy director of Breast Reminder, there are 5 kinds of situations, indicating that your bra, "retired".

The average life span of a bra is only about 100 times used. If the bra 3 days a change, then the bra life is only one year. The female's chest is easy to change with the physiological changes and weight changes, a few years ago to buy underwear may not be suitable for the present body, barely wearing only to the body cause discomfort or even injury. If the bra size is too large, will make the breast sagging, can not play the role of care chest; size is too small, there will be pressure on the chest to wear, is not conducive to ventilation, severe breast milk can affect blood circulation and normal reflux, perennial tired Months, toxins in the chest can not go out, so that mastitis, breast hyperplasia, and even increased the probability of breast cancer.


When wearing a bra, if the following conditions, it shows that the bra improper selection, or remind you that the old bra "retired":

1. The breast is squeezed from the edge of the cup, indicating that the cup is too small or too sharply shaped.

2. Armpit prominent part, indicating bra bust is too small, or too narrow side.

3 arms raised, the bra up 蹿, exposed breasts, indicating bra bust is too loose.

4. Shoulder strap embedded in the shoulder, shoulder strap is too short, it should be adjusted.

5. After wearing a bra, if you find the red stretch around the breast, or feel a sense of pain, should also be vigilant, is not wearing a bra inappropriate.

6. How to determine the old bra to be eliminated? Can do a simple check: find a flat place to spread the bra flat, observe whether the steel bra can be completely affixed to the plane, if the rim has a part of the tilt away from the plane, Then the steel ring has been distorted, such a bra should immediately give up. In addition, if the shoulder strap no matter how short will still be loose, but also a symbol of aging bra

What kind of bra is considered suitable?

In the selection of underwear, pay special attention to the size of the bra. The best bra size is the best breast and bra distance, can hold 1 to 2 fingers, and wear to feel comfortable, activities freely. Remember bra can not be too tight, especially those bras with steel support, bust size must be wider, in the reach and exercise, the chest will not be oppressive, the bra will not come off from the breast, remove the bra, the breast No marks left around. In addition, the material of the bra is also very important, the best is cotton, synthetic sweat and breathable material is poor, easily lead to allergies. Human activities, the bra will continue to rub the nipple, bra filament easily into the breast, over time, will block the breast, induced breast disease.

Wear underwear to sleep can improve your chest type it?

Interestingly, half of women wear underwear at night to sleep, some people feel more comfortable, while others think that wearing underwear can prevent gravity, so that the chest does not sagging, in order to maintain a perfect breast shape. In fact, to wear underwear while sleeping can not effectively prevent sagging problems and even improve the chest shape, maybe when you exercise to avoid shaking up and down the chest, this time wearing exercise Bra does have a supporting role.

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