The animated film "Angry Bird" produced by the well-known entertainment company ROVIO of Finland was released worldwide. TRENDIANO, together with Angry Birds, is the first brand to be inspired by the officially licensed ANGRY ART element to launch a unique limited-series fashion brand. Launched a unique limited series. The attitude of the most cross-border cooperation "anger" is unstoppable At the time of the opening of the summer, the animated film “Angry Bird†produced by ROVIO, a well-known entertainment company in Finland, was released worldwide. TRENDIANO è¶ è¶ ã€Š 《 《 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 愤怒 END END END END END END END END END END END END END END. Also full of personality, unstoppable TRENDIANO and rebellious brave protagonist "Fat Red" hit it off. The exposure of the series of collaborations has caused bird fans and influxes to be hotly debated and sought after. With the 520 movie hits, this series has landed on Tmall and is available exclusively at the official TRENDIANO flagship store. It is the influx of people who hurry to start, will never give up and put on the body, together feel the power of anger! Men Boots Leather Welt Cement Bonwelt Construction Ture Potential Limited ,
TRENDIANO X Angry Birds Limited Cooperative Series>